Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Fragments Public Deposited
  • I feel that I made these sculptures because of my reactions to and fascination with the area I am now living as compared to the city of Cleveland where I grew up. There is a definite contrast in life styles and environment. In the city there is an unconscious attitude of the people toward their everyday surroundings. Waste and refuse are something to step over or push to the side. In contrast the people of Boulder and the state of Colorado place a great importance on the preservation of the environment and all that occurs within it. 

    The sculpture I have made are intuitive interpretations of these forces on objects found in nature. I have set the work up in manner to create tension which in turn creates spatial voids promoting the idea of how nature breaks up rock in new shapes while uncovering other objects. I want the objects I made to appear to be man-made and at the same time suggest basic vessel forms. 

    I choose to make the pieces human scale to create an more confrontational relationship between the viewer and the object. To force this issue I have placed the pieces directly on the floor as opposed to being on a pedestal. Thereby bringing the forms closer to the viewer and invading the viewers space causing an inter-reaction.


Date Issued
  • 1986
Additional Information
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2021-04-15
Resource Type
Rights Statement

