Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Modeste Petrovich Muscorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" A Comparison of the Original Manuscript with Various Published Editions Public Deposited

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  • In the Main Archives, 37, of the State Public Library in Leningrad, Russia lies an autographed manuscript which bears the number 48.

    Although it may seem insignificant, this number was attached to a manuscript which is one of the greatest and most often programmed musical works of the world, Modeste Petrovich Musorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition." Many articles, portions of books, and treatises have been written regarding this work; and numerous editions of it have appeared throughout the world during the past seventy-four years. As the years passed, writers and editors increasingly complained of inaccuracies and inconsistencies in all editions; and each tried to surpass the other inpresenting what was to be a so-called authoritative edition. To the present day, it is unfortunate to have to declare that without exception they have all failed.

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  • 2023-12-18
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