Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


Convergence Public Deposited
  • This thesis provides insight into the development of the utilitarian ceramics in the exhibit entitled Convergence. The effect of formal and conceptual decisions and the basis for their evolution is discussed with relation to my historical and contemporary influences. Also addressed are the number of different levels on which the work operates, and ways in which I want this work to affect others.

    Utilitarian pottery is the vehicle for my self-expression. Of its own accord this genre of work is unique. Clay as a material offers amazing versatility and distinct qualities that separate it from other media. Specifically, ceramics created for use enter into a world of physical interaction and conceptual understanding separate from other art forms. The historical tradition of pottery brings another layer of meaning to this type of work. Keeping these ideas in mind, I choose to work with clay to create functional pottery.


Date Issued
  • 2002-11-22
Additional Information
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2022-05-02
Resource Type
Rights Statement

