Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation


At Home With Science Public Deposited

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  • The goal of my work is to explore how the cultural and historical discourses of science, nature and gender are still at work in terms of the domesticating influence of science upon the body and conversely how science itself has been domesticated.

    We live in a time when the historical constructions of nature and artifice (and their implied division) have been unwittingly deconstructed by science. Their illusion can no longer function. What were once considered "natural" processes negotiated within · the domestic sphere-birth, illness, nourishment, and death-are now mediated by science and technology. What was considered feminine and natural, reproduction, now belongs equally to the realm of science and artifice. The most ordinary and mundane of "materials", DNA, has been both reified and reduced by science. That most intimate and common level of being, the "genetic", has become the site of intervention and manufacture - the ultimate artifice in the search for the super-human.


Date Issued
  • 1998-04-15
Additional Information
Academic Affiliation
Committee Member
Degree Grantor
Commencement Year
Last Modified
  • 2021-05-10
Resource Type
Rights Statement

