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NEPC Review: "Plotting School Choice" and "In Need of Improvement" Público Deposited

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  • Two recent reports by Education Sector set out to examine the viability of proposals to revamp the No Child Left Behind choice provisions to allow students in failing schools to choose a school outside of their home school district. The findings of the reports are weakened by foundational assumptions about capacity and competition for space, as well as a failure to present alternatives. Further, the reports do not systematically consider the role of geographic variation, causing a potential underestimation of the impact of inter-district choice for those urban contexts where policy advocates believe it is most necessary. Instead of an analysis based on such definite assumptions, policy makers would be better served by an array of assumptions and analyses, presenting the full scope of potential outcomes.

Date Issued
  • 2009-01-27
Academic Affiliation
Última modificación
  • 2021-03-18
Resource Type
Declaración de derechos


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