A century of decoupling size and structure of urban spaces in the United States
Cross-scale interaction of host tree size and climatic water deficit governs bark beetle-induced tree mortality
A continental-scale soil evaporation dataset derived from Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite drying rates
Weather variation affects the dispersal of grasshoppers beyond their elevational ranges
Using tooth enamel microstructure to identify mammalian fossils at an Eocene Arctic forest
Social media and catharsis in Africa: Examining the role of WhatsApp in venting stress in women
Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes
Gene copy number is associated with phytochemistry in Cannabis sativa
Soil Moisture Data Assimilation to Estimate Irrigation Water Use
Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Detects Greater Lichen Fungal Diversity Than Amplicon-Based Methods in Environmental Samples